Information in English

SUB, Studentenes Undervannsklubb i Bergen (roughly translated into The Student Underwater club in Bergen), is one of the oldest, largest and most active dive clubs in Norway. We are affiliated to the Norwegian Diving Federation (NDF) and Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS).

We normally offer 3 club dives every week if there are diving leaders ready to arrange the dives – please check the club dive schedule, and 4-5 weekend trips each year. The club is primarily for, and run by students, but anyone with a diving certificate is welcome to join the club and dive with us.


You can dive with us, but we have some requirements:

  • You must be a member, but arrangements can be made if you want to try out diving with SUB before buying a membership
  • The minimum requirement for diving with SUB is an entry level certification issued by any of the internationally known organisations (PADI, CMAS, GUE, NAUI, BSAC, SSAC, SSI, RAID etc). Please bring your (most recent) certificate on your first club dive.
  • You’ll need to bring your own ABC equipment: mask and fins. On night dives, you’ll need your own dive light (preferably both primary and backup).
  • You don’t need a dry suit diving certificate, but unless you have experience with dry suit diving, you’ll need to participate on an introduction dive before trying a dry suit on a regular club dive.


To become a member in SUB you´ll have to do the following steps:

Direkte innmelding <– Click here to become a member

9. When the application is approved (a few days usually, but could be longer) you will receive an email from MinIdrett. You can participate in club activities as soon as you have sent your application. The payment is in the basket at the website “” or under the menu “Payment”. The invoice will be 1600 kr (2024) for non-students.

10. Are you a student? Then send an email including screenshot from the “Studentbevis” app to – that will let us generate an invoice for students at 800 kr (2024) / 600 kr for fall membership – emailed to you an to be payed at “”

Membership for the year 2024 (1/2 – 30/1/2025) is 800 kr for students and 1600 kr for non-students. Students signing up after August 1st may pay 600 kr for a fall membership.

Club dives

Are you diving with SUB for the first time? Or are you insecure of what to bring with you on a dive? Here is a check- list:

  • ABC- equipment (mask and fins).
  • Warm clothes. The diving- suits we have for rent in SUB are laminate suits, thin suits with little insulation. Under the suit we recommend to use 2-3 layers of long-armed/-legged wool or other underwear, depending on the temperature in the water or even better specialized scuba undersuits.
  • Extra clothes and a towel. You might get wet while diving, and then it is nice to have something warm and dry to put on when you are done diving.
  • Food and (warm) drink. It is always nice with an energy boost after a dive!
  • Warm (wind proof) outer clothes, good shoes, hat, gloves and scarf. After a dive you might get chilly, and the diving trips often go to windy places.
  • And at last: a big smile! :D

Remember that on every dive there will be at least one experienced diver. They are there to help you, and to answer all the questions you might have.

The club dives are always run by qualified dive leaders, and safety equipment such as oxygen, first aid kit, dive flags and safety rope are brought on all dives.

Tuesday at 17:00

Most of the year, these will be night dives, so you’ll need to bring your own primary dive light (and preferably a backup light). Dives sites are determined based on the experience of the divers, but experience with night dives and drift are recommended. Please contact the dive leader prior to the dive for more information. We leave at 17:00 sharp, so you’ll need to be at the club house around 16:00 if you are borrowing equipment, else 16:30.

Saturday and Sunday at 11:00

Saturday is the perfect day if you are new to diving or simply new in SUB! We choose a dive site suitable for the new or inexperienced diver, where no one needs to do more advanced dives than he/she is comfortable with. Deeper water and perhaps some current are usually also available for those who would like to try that. We leave at 11:00 sharp, and since Saturday dives can be very popular, you’ll need to be at the club house at 10:00 if you are borrowing equipment, else 10:30.

The club dives on Sundays usually require some experience. We often do drift dives or visit a local wreck. Please contact the dive leader prior to the dive for more information. We leave at 11:00 sharp, so you’ll need to be at the club house at 10:00 if you are borrowing equipment, else 10:30.

Participation on club dives costs 100 kr if you are a member of SUB, and 200 kr if you are not (in addition to any expenses for the use of boat). If you want to rent a dry suit it will cost you 100 kr (member)/200 kr (non-member). If you want to borrow any other equipment it is free on club dives. If you want to rent equipment for private dives you need to be a member of SUB and to have participated on at least one club dive before. Please contact for more information.

Getting more info

For general questions about the club, please contact the committee at

The mailing list Subnett is your most important source of information about club dives, parties and other ongoing activities. The majority of the mails will be written in Norwegian, but any important information is also posted in English. Feel free to ask questions here! The email address to the list is

Sign up to Subnett by going to and choose Login in upper right corner, choose UiB user if you want to use your UiB account, or Other user if you want to use your personal mail address (recommended). After doing this, you will get an e-mail with a link to set your password.

After this, you should be able to “Subscribe” to the mailing list by going here:
You can at any time see all mailing lists you are a member of by going to “My lists”.

Using the Subnett mailing list:
You will now receive and be able to send e-mails to subnett at
Keep in mind that everyone will receive your e-mails. Still, feel free to ask for a dive buddy, suggest barbequing or going on a diving trip, or anything else. This is also a general information channel for the board to reach the members.

If you use emojis or attach images, please keep in mind that your mail may be perceived as spam by recipient mail clients, and thus end up in the spam folder. It may be safest to send without emojis. 🙂

NB: If you are not a member of the list, do not expect your e-mails to be forwarded! If you have needs to contact all members without being a member of the list yourself, please contact the list administrators.

Leaving Subnett:

If you get tired of mails and/or sign out of the club, you may also consider signing out of Subnett as-well – but this is not required. You do this by going to or using direct link You can always sign up again.

If you have problems with mailing lists or feel that much of your e-mails end up in spam; please contact the board and/or the list adminsitrators. You can send an e-mail to the list administrators by sending it to: subnett-requests at

It may also be possible to register to mailing list by sending a plain text mail to with subject line subscribe.


SUB has an eight-seat car (SUBUS), a trailer for the dive gear, an inflatable rubber dinghy, a Polarcirkel 760 (larger boat) and a compressor (230/300 bar) providing 550 l/min air or nitrox (membrane system).

The membership fee includes free access to the compressor and free air and nitrox. If you are planning on using the compressor outside the club dives, you’ll need a key card to access the filling panel and a short introduction on the usage. Please contact the board and/or a dive leader if you are interested.

The club diving equipment includes:

  • About 24 tanks (single 10, 12 and 15 litres, 232 bar)
  • Apeks cold water regulators and with bottom timer
  • Backplate and wing BCD’s (Halcyon Eclipse)
  • Membrane dry suits, both male and female sizes
  • 3-finger and 5-finger neoprene gloves, and neoprene hoods
  • Weight belts

All club members can borrow this equipment for free, except for the dry suits. Dry suit rental is 85kr. Please note that the equipment is primarily intended for use during our scheduled club dives. It is possible to borrow equipment outside regular club dives, but everything must be returned in time for the next club dive.

The club diving equipment does not include:

  • ABC equipment; fins, mask and snorkel
  • dive computers
  • dive lights
  • dive knifes

For more information about the club equipment, please contact the committee at


SUB arrange CMAS* in english from time to time, for more information and enrollment follow this link


The first Wednesday evening of the month there is an informal gathering at a suitable pub for a relaxed evening of dive discussions and beer. If you want to meet other club members, this is the place for you! The gathering starts at 19:62 (aka 8 pm) and is announced on Subnett.


Three to four times a semester  the club arranges lectures and events related to recreational and occasionally technical diving. Please keep an eye on Subnett for more information.