CMAS P1 – Basic diver(english)

The basic course is your ticket to the underwater world. The course educates comfortable, safety conscious and independent divers for recreational diving down to 20 meters. The course is led by skilled instructors who constantly provides new challenges under safe conditions.

The course consists of a theoretical part of approximately 20 hours leading up to a written multiple choice exam. Topics of the course include review of dive gear, diving techniques, physical conditions underwater, how to plan dives, use of dive tables and dive computers, first aid, diving medicine and diving practicalities.

The practical part consists of  two days of diving in the pool and three days with at least six dives in the sea. The education you will receive is adapted to diving conditions in Norway and meet the special requirements set by Norwegian authorities to all diving courses.
Once you pass the course, you will get the international CMAS P1 certificate that allows for diving down to 20 meters.

Candidates must conduct a medical examination and must be able to swim.
Students must buy mask and fins; the rest of the equipment can be borrowed from SUB.
The course normally runs for two weeks, and is usually arranged once every semester.

Price: 4500/7000NOK (student / non-student). The price includes certification fee, the textbook “scuba diving” and logbook.
The medical certificate, as well as mask and fins is not included in the course fee.

A nitrox course will also be conducted along side the CMAS P1 (included in the price. Normal price is 800 kr).

Membership in the club for 2024 is included.